Wherever your business operates in Tanzania

Konnect is there with you

Fixed satellite internet up to 50 Mb/s

Run your business anywhere in Tanzania

Mining company? Energy producer? Farmer? Running a business in a rural area? If you're experiencing Internet connectivity problems, you're also suffering from problems with productivity, coordination and job satisfaction.

With Konnect, you can use the Internet anywhere in Tanzania, in both rural and urban areas. With its ready-to-install kit, you can quickly connect to communicate with your teams, manage your business remotely, and use your online tools.

When you buy:
approved partners will advise you
During installation:
trained professional installers take care of everything
For daily help:
our customer service team is available on WhatsApp 6 days a week
When you renew:
advice and easy payment using mobile money in-store and via customer service
At any time:
a mobile-compatible customer portal to monitor your data use and manage your account independently

Why wait to get online with Konnect?

Fill in the form today and our specialist satellite internet team will call you back.  They will answer all your questions and get you connected.

Find a Konnect trusted local partner

Find out more about our data privacy policy.

Customer success stories

Jean Michel Muyulu
Company executive

Thanks to Konnect Mr Muyulu can download content, work from home and stream without any issue “We tried it [Konnect], and immediately we were able to exchange easily from afar. I was able to talk to my children [...] thanks to a very reliable and fast internet.”

Olivier Kabukala
Farmer in Lubumbashi

Mr Kabukala found that his farm was suffering from a lack of connection [and] he was faced with suspending business operations because of the lack of communication. “When we installed satellite internet and I became able to talk to my team every day, it gave me a second chance. The connection is very fast and I’m very happy with it.”

Over 20 000 clients have already used Konnect in Africa. Why not let us help your business next?

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